Event Marketing & Experience

How to Promote Pharma Cosmetics Events via Attractive Content

Victoria Rudi
June 15, 2017

Table of Contents

Professionals will agree that planning a cosmeceuticals event without advertising is like preparing for a marathon by sitting on the sofa. Your wishful thinking will produce high hopes and expectations, yet the lack of real marketing actions may transform your meeting into a disaster. In other words, you can’t expect big results such as high attendance rates or generating new leads without knowing how to effectively promote pharma cosmetics events.

The need to differentiate itself through successful brand events becomes crucial in cosmeceuticals, considering the incredible magnitude and growth of the industry.

According to Socio-economic contribution of the European cosmetics industry, published by Cosmetics Europe, “It is estimated that the cosmetics industry brings at least €29 billion in added value to the European economy every year, of which approximately €8 billion is contributed directly by the manufacture of cosmetic products (the remaining €21 billion is generated indirectly through the supply chain). For example, there are over 100 companies manufacturing cosmetic ingredients in Europe, 20,100 enterprises involved in the wholesale of cosmetics and 45,700 specialist stores retailing cosmetics.”

Thus, knowing how to run and promote pharma cosmetics events, is a key skill when it comes to differentiating your business from the competition.

Since we’ve already discussed how to take good advantage of running cosmeceuticals brand meetings, how about understanding the content-related strategies that will help you promote pharma cosmetics events in the first place?

Follow these steps to successfully market your next events:

Step 1. Create branded content that directly addresses your attendees’ needs

“What’s branded content?” you may be asking. According to MainPath Marketing, “The aim for branded content is for people to consume and enjoy it, while appreciating the fact that it is sponsored by your brand.”

A great example of branded content is The LEGO Movie. Although produced by a well-known brand, the movie goes beyond traditional advertising and engages with people on a different level (in this case, using entertainment). Branded content can take multiple forms: blog posts, videos, infographics, white papers, researches, etc.

How this can help you promote pharma cosmetics events?

Tips for eventprofs or marketing departments:

As Lisa Toner and Mark Walker, authors of a Hubspot research paper on Event Marketing, note, “Using this well-researched, interesting content and sharing it with your industry in the form of blog posts, SlideShares and videos will position your event as a thought leader and a valuable resource to be turned to both online and offline.”

In other words, you can promote pharma cosmetics events by increasing your industry authority through useful branded content. This way, you’ll strengthen the attractiveness of your event and motivate people to attend.

Step 2. Use storytelling to inflict powerful emotions

According to Hubspot, “No matter how effective technology platforms become in delivering content, people will flock to the same things that have always moved them. We are suckers for great stories—narratives that remind us of our humanity. Marketing professionals know that no one can resist a good story, and they use it to their full advantage.”

In other words, good stories have the power to invoke strong emotional responses from your (potential) attendees, which in turn will encourage them to attend your event.

So how can you use storytelling to promote pharma cosmetics events?

Tips for eventprofs or marketing departments:

A new, yet efficient tip that may help you, is the use of Instagram Stories. If you’re not already familiar with it, Instagram Stories is a feature on Instagram that lets you post a series of photos with comments or other additional graphics. The story will remain on your account for 24 hours, then automatically be deleted.

As University of New Hampshire Senior Social Media intern Charlotte Harris pinpoints, “Instagram Stories is ideal for brands because it allows them to have a real-time storytelling tool.” This way, you can create an engaging narrative for potential attendees, persuading them to check out your event webpage and register.

Step 3. Promote pharma cosmetics events via edutainment

According to research paper Theoretical View to The Approach of The Edutainment by Nalan Aksakal, “subjects containing entertainment attract consumers’ attention more and events making the consumers experience are more permanent and recollective. One of the fields that entertainment is densely active is education … Edutainment is a word that states a mix of entertainment and education or marriage of education and entertainment.”

How can you use edutainment to promote pharma cosmetics events?

Tips for eventprofs or marketing departments:

Make a list of interesting facts, quotes, or research studies conducted by your future event speakers and create exciting content that will both amuse and educate your potential attendees. Let them know this is just a preview of the things they will learn (in a fun, engaging, and light-hearted way) if they attend your brand event.

Call to action

Whenever you think about ways to promote pharma cosmetics events, set the traditional formats aside and instead make use of the new tools you have at your fingertips. Don’t ignore the power of good content as a means of marketing, and use it wisely to change potential attendees to event guests.

Focus on creating useful branded content (such as blog posts, research papers, infographics, etc.), then think about developing a series of (short) stories to engage people with your brand and stimulate their emotional reactions. Finally, deliver edutainment content, using fun and engagement to stimulate the education, to leave potential attendees feeling intrigued and interested in attending your event.

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Victoria Rudi
Senior Content Specialist
With a Master’s degree in Event Management and a keen follower of SaaS technologies, Victoria is an event content master, producing insightful and valuable for Eventtia’s blog and beyond

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