How to Generate and Promote Post-Event Content

Victoria Rudi
November 7, 2023

Table of Contents

How much time do you usually spend on creating and promoting your post-event content? No doubt you’re probably investing a great amount of effort and money on marketing your event before it happens. You most likely have a content marketing strategy in place to attract more attendees or raise awareness. However, when your conference, workshop, or congress is over, do you usually have a plan for your post-event content apart from uploading speaker presentations on Slideshare?

“Why should I do more than that?” you might be asking. There are multiple reasons.

First, post-event content will allow you to keep alive the interest of your attendees about topics that they discussed during the event. Secondly, it will help you achieve post-event engagement with your audience. Thirdly, you can use this valuable information to grow your event community and successfully promote your next edition. Considering this, here are a few steps you can follow if you want to explore the real potential of your post-event content.

Step 1. Set up an event blog and post regularly



Your event marketing strategy probably includes an attractive web page and a blog. What do you intend to do after your conference or workshop is over? Are you going to let them die and resuscitate them only when you are about to plan your next edition? This is a bit unfair toward your followers and attendees. That’s why, you may want to keep your web page and blog active with post-event content? If done wisely, this will help you position your event brand as a thought leader as well as increase your social media presence.

Step 2. Publish the session videos on your event’s YouTube account



Make sure to record every single session during the event. This will give you enough material to generate valuable post-event content. Hire a video editor, and let him or her put together several attractive event sessions to publish on YouTube. If you don’t have an event channel on YouTube, you may want to create one and showcase the experience your attendees had. Think about all the post-event emails you’ll be able to send by informing your guests about the video uploads.

“But what if my attendees paid heavy money to have access to the content I’ll publish, and then I turn around and post it for free to the general public?” you might be wondering.

In that case, you have three options. One is to make the video content private and allow only your attendees to access it via a code. The second option is to make the videos public and to emphasize that the real value of your event exists in attending and building valuable business connections, for example. Your third option is to compromise by making a few sessions public and keeping most of the video content exclusive for those who attended the event.

Step 3. Generate and publish interviews with the speakers and the attendees



During the event, don’t lose the opportunity to produce a few interesting and valuable interviews with speakers and attendees. You can do it via both text and video. Work with a media team and let them generate insightful interviews of value that will have timeless characteristics.

Step 4. Recycle the event topics to create fresh content



A great example in this case is the World Economic Forum, which uses the multitude of topics or insights that were discussed during the event to produce new post-event content (videos, articles, infographics, etc.). Review all the subjects that were discussed at your event and all the insights attendees gained during the Q&A sessions. Then, make a list of potential articles or animated videos you could produce out of those insights. You don’t have to stick to just what was discussed—you can take it one step further and explore other topics that correlate to your event’s sessions.

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Think about your post-event content as part of your content marketing strategy. Set up a publishing calendar and decide how you’ll promote your articles and videos. Ask yourself how you want to position your conference or workshop and what post-event impact it will have. Use the post-event content to gain more followers, increase the loyalty of those who attended it, and strengthen the community around the values your event is promoting.


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Victoria Rudi
Senior Content Specialist
With a Master’s degree in Event Management and a keen follower of SaaS technologies, Victoria is an event content master, producing insightful and valuable for Eventtia’s blog and beyond